face the music例句、music英文、Face the music在PTT/mobile01評價與討論,在ptt社群跟網路上大家這樣說
face the music例句關鍵字相關的推薦文章
face the music例句在face the music造句 - 查查在線詞典的討論與評價
Mr. allen betrayed a top secret, and had to face the music . 艾倫先生泄露一項最高機密,因而必須接受責罰。 I must face the music and accept responsibility 我必須 ...
face the music例句在"Face the music"不是「面對音樂」!真正的意思你絕對想不到!的討論與評價
例句 :. Don't butcher that song by singing off key. 別唱走調而糟蹋了那首歌。 2 - carry a tune唱得准. 例句:. Neither ...
face the music例句在FACE THE MUSIC在劍橋英語詞典中的解釋及翻譯的討論與評價
face the music 的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. to accept criticism or punishment for something you have done 2. to accept criticism or…。了解更多。
face the music例句在ptt上的文章推薦目錄
face the music例句在會話短句:face the music 面對... - 輕鬆開口說美語的討論與評價
中文比較接近的意思是『面對現實』。 例句: The manager stole his company's money. And now, he has to face the music and go to the prison.
face the music例句在face the music 中文意思是什麼 - Dict.site 英漢/漢英線上英文字典的討論與評價
4. 〈美口〉激烈的辯論,吵鬧;法律制裁,懲處。 例句. Mr. allen betrayed a top secret, and had to face the ...
face the music例句在口語:你是怎麼理解英語Let's face the music的意思? - 壹讀的討論與評價
這樣的英語遣詞造句不也是英語口語嗎? 3. Well,when you face the music, you have to receive punishment,or to accept the unpleasant results of what ...
face the music例句在face the music在线翻译_英语 - 海词词典的討論與評價
例句. Someday you're going to have to face the music for your actions. 总有一天,你将不得不承担自己的行为所带来的后果。
face the music例句在face the music-翻译为中文-例句英语的討論與評價
使用Reverso Context: A: Murder, dealing drugs... It's time for you to face the music.,在英语-中文情境中翻译"face the music"
face the music例句在face the music 中文意思是什麼 - TerryL的討論與評價
face the music 例句. Mr. Allen betrayed a top secret, and had to face the music. 艾倫先生泄露一項最高機密,因而必須接受責罰。 Come on now … buck up … face ...
face the music例句在face the music不是「面對音樂」,make a face也不是「做臉」的討論與評價
例句 :. Now you have to face the music. 現在你的勇敢地面對困難。 與此意思類似的表達還有「face up to大膽面向、勇敢面對」。 例句:.